Struggling National Teams: A Closer Look Across Continents

According to the ‘Polyglot Sport‘ YouTube channel, each continent has its own national team that struggles to make an impact on the international stage. Let’s take a closer look at some of the weakest national teams from each continent.

The following article from ‘Polyglot Sport‘ is provided for informational purposes only and does not reflect the opinions of Seysoccer.

In South America, Bolivia has faced its fair share of challenges. Moving on to Africa, Seychelles has had a difficult time competing against stronger opponents. In Asia, Sri Lanka, with a population of 22 million people, has struggled to secure wins. Their sole victory came in a walkover match against Macao, who failed to show up for the game.

In Oceania, Guam has been one of the weakest teams. Over their last 10 matches, they have managed to score only 4 goals while conceding a staggering 33. Powerhouse nations like China and North Korea have handed them heavy defeats, with North Korea even winning 21-0.

Heading to Central America, we find Anguilla, a small island with a population of only 15,000 people. They have had a tough time competing against other small islands and have suffered heavy defeats against countries like Saint Martin. They even struggle against national teams that are not registered with FIFA. In fact, Anguilla holds the unfortunate record of never having won a game in their history.

In North America, Bermuda has struggled to make an impact. With a population of just 63,000 people, their national team faces challenges on both the domestic and international fronts. Their best player currently plays for a team in the English 6th division.

Finally, in Europe, San Marino stands out as one of the weakest national teams. Having played 204 games in their history, they have managed only one victory. Seychelles played a friendly match against them, which ended in a goalless draw. Their last official game without a defeat dates back to 2001 against Latvia.

These national teams face immense challenges in their respective continents. However, their determination to improve and overcome their weaknesses is a testament to the spirit of the game.

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